

The following is an open letter from the [BRAND] Management Team.


Hi there. First of all, welcome to our website. We’ve put a lot of effort into it and we hope you are enjoying your experience as well as getting all the information you need.


We do hope that you’ve read through our webpage on regulation. Thing is, even though we have that page set up on our website, which goes into detail on the regulatory procedures we carry out whenever we onboard new traders, does it mean you should trust us?


The answer to that question is “no”. Anyone can write anything they want, and just because it’s on the internet doesn’t make it true. You’re probably a bit shocked at our statement, which is good. You see, we started [BRAND] because we’ve all been traders since the late nineties and our passion for trading has never ceased! We launched [SBRAND]on [ADD DATE] and hired people who are experienced as well as being critical thinkers. Having critical thinking as a trader is a must, and we wanted all our staff to have great critical thinking skills too. In fact, we, as the [SBRAND] Management Team, implore you to also use critical thinking when it comes to working with any Forex brokerage or placing any trade, no matter the lot size.

Trading is so, so risky!


Traders who trade Forex and CFDs lose money. There’s no real way of denying that fact. If every trader was successful, everyone would be trading, and the markets would crumble. What goes up, must come down, and that’s the way it goes with trading. You win some, you lose some, but the key is to win a lot more than your losses.


When you trade Forex or any CFD, such as trading bitcoin, what you’re doing is making an investment, and that means that you run the risk of losing some or all of your invested capital.


This is why we encourage everyone who trades with us to know what they’re doing before placing any trade, no matter the size! Let’s take this example into consideration. You’ve always wanted to visit Las Vegas and finally your dream comes true. You enter one of the many casinos and choose to sit at a high rollers poker game. Thing is, you have no idea how to play Texas Hold’em Poker. Are you the sort of person who would risk your savings by potentially squandering it all on a game you knew nothing or very little about? If your answer to that question is “yes”, we suggest it’s best to leave our site. There are plenty of other Forex brokerage websites that would be more than happy to take your money and see you lose. That’s just not us.


If you don’t know what you’re doing, the chances of you losing all your invested capital is extremely high. We’re talking around the 98% mark. Sure, you could be one of the lucky 2 percenters, but why would you risk it?


We’ve decided to collectively write this open letter to all our website readers and customers because even though we continuously tell each and every one of our traders to never blindly trade, there are a select few who knowingly or unknowingly ignore us. They trade carelessly, and lose their invested capital. They then email and call us, demanding that we return their money. We’re always very polite with anyone who asks for their money back, and we also explain to them that they’re not trading against us. [BRAND] is simply a brokerage. We’re the conduit between the markets and the traders. Our very being is to facilitate the trades of all our traders.




By passing on these traders to our liquidity providers. We then gain a commission whenever anyone at [brand] trades. Being an STP broker means that we make a small commission whether our traders place winning or losing trades.


We explain this to everyone of our traders who ask us for their lost investment back, but as is human nature when emotions are high, our words fall on deaf ears. Some disgruntled former clients have even gone as far as creating reviews online, telling anyone who will read their comments that we’ve “stolen their investment”, or that “[brand] is a scam broker!!!!!”. We believe that by adding a few exclamation marks will add emphasis to their argument.


We will refund investments if there has been a technical error on our trading platform or if one of our liquidity providers has made a mistake. Both instances are extremely rare. We cannot and will not refund anyone who loses their invested capital while trading. Would a casino refund you if you put all your money on 23 black and that number didn’t come up?


To wrap up, if you are already trading with us or if you are considering joining us as a trader, we really want you to fully understand the risks involved when it comes to trading the world’s financial markets. We then ask you to Google us and to take a look at what the majority of traders are saying about us. Chances are you will find some comments stating what we’ve mentioned above, but take a look at how the good reviews massively outweigh the bad ones.


If something has gone wrong, don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Care Team. They will help you out. That is why we employ them, plus they’re such a great team!


Have we made mistakes in the past? Yes we have. And just like we know the sun will set today and rise again tomorrow, we will make more mistakes in the future. The good news is that we learn from our mistakes, and learn quickly. The Forex industry is such a fast-paced space and we simply can’t afford to make the same mistakes over and over again.


Here are the Unique Selling Points we offer all our traders. You’ll find that [BRAND] is extremely competitive. So, if you’re looking for a new Forex brokerage, try us out. We’re pretty sure you’ll enjoy the experience!

Spreads from 0.0 pips
24/5 Customer Care
300+ Tradable Instruments
Fastest Withdrawals

You’re in good hands!


Warm regards,
The [BRAND] Management Team
Michelle, Sam & Rita.

Trading Forex, Cryptos, Stocks as well as any other market is volatile and your investment should be proportionate to your willingness to potentially lose that much money.