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The answers that you are looking for can be found right here!
If, by some chance, that you don’t find your answer, you can reach out to our Customer Support Team.

Whenever a new client opens a trading account, we are bombarded with many questions. So, we’ve complied all of these questions plus a few more in an easy to understand FAQ.

Deposite & Withdrawals
Your [SBRAND] Account
Verification Process
Other Questions
I want to open an account, what do I do

Our Registration page is the place to be. Simply fill in the form, and you’re set!

Will you finalise withdrawals?

Of Course! You’ll have to send a “Withdrawal Request” from the [SBRAND] Client Area. Our Back Office Team will review your request and make sure that everything is in working order before issuing your withdrawal amount. The method will be dependent on which deposit method you used when you deposited, so please keep that in mind.

Is there a minimum amount that you accept?

The smallest deposit we accept is $300.

Where are my withdrawals sent?

Since we aim to become regulated, we are required to carry out certain policies and procedures that tier-one EU-based regulated banks adhere to. That means that your withdrawals are sent to the same source of your deposit method.

Why is your smallest deposit $300?

$300 is already a small deposit. Think of this as an investment, not just a monetary one, but also you’ll have to invest your time as well if you wish to show you’re serious about trading. According to our research $300 is the smallest amount of money where you are still able to notice a return, any lower and your investment would not amount to much.

Most of our traders start off with $5,000, although there’s some that start with $300 as well. We’ve taken a look at the statistics and they show that in order for a trading account to be considered healthy, there needs to be around $10,000 in it within a month. How did we reach that figure? It was derived from a starting deposit of $5,000, and smaller deposits of $2,500 each.

Most of our traders will invest $250,000, over the course of their investment journey, and we usually see that they achieve good returns, assuming that they take care with proper risk management, understanding what’s happening in the market, and spending the time creating a trading plan. All of these can be discussed with your Account Manager who will help you work on them.

What’s the smallest deposit I can start with?

We understand the thought process of depositing the least amount possible, however, we’ve noticed that the higher the investment, the higher the potential returns.

Our smallest deposit allowed is $300 (or the equivalent in another currency), however, we’ve seen that investing at least $2,500+ is the best way forward, it will put you in an advantageous position when it comes to trading.

Of course, the leverage and bonus we offer will be of great help, but everything stems from your initial investment.

If you’re not quite convinced, you can reach out to your Account Manager and they will try to show you the correlation between higher investments and higher rewards.

Can I get another bonus?

Unfortunately, we don’t provide another bonus except for 100% Deposit Bonus on your initial deposit.

In the case that you didn’t receive a 100% Deposit Bonus, we advise you to speak with your Account Manager, however, you need to make sure that you’ve read our Bonus Terms and Conditions.

Can I lose more than I invested?

Definitely Not!

Trading and investing in the financial markets is risky and a bit difficult, and your balance will fluctuate with the market. However, trading with [BRAND] means you’ll not be losing more than the amount that’s in your account.

What are your deposit methods?

There are multiple ways to deposit with [BRAND]. You can simply visit our Deposits and Withdrawals page and check out what options we offer and what suits you best.

Are there any deposit fees?

Zero, Nil, Zilch, Nada.

Whenever you deposit into your [SBRAND] trading account, we won’t even charge you any fees.

Are there any hidden fees?

Building trust with our clients is one of the most vital things [SBRAND] seeks, and in order to do that we value transparency and for that to happen there are no hidden fees whatsoever.

What we do charge is a 5% withdrawal fee, and that’s used to cover the credit and debit card processing fees. There are usually no commissions when it comes to bank transfers though.

Other account changes are applied, such as SWAPs and dormant fees on account.

If you need more information about any of the above fees, you can reach out directly to your Account Manager or our Customer Support Team.

What should I do if my card was declined?

Unfortunately, that’s known to happen from time to time. There are many reasons for that to happen, one of them could be related to your balance against your investment amount, you might not have enough to cover that transaction. Another reason is usually linked directly to your bank or financial institution, they usually impose a block on specific online transactions. You’ll want to reach out directly to them and get that sorted.

Do you allow third-party transactions?

Unfortunately, that’s not allowed. The only person that’s allowed to deposit funds is the account holder and no one else. This doesn’t stop at deposits, but also extends to withdrawals, so no sending amounts to any third-party credit / debit card or bank account. We take this rule very seriously as it involves client’s account security, not to mention that several regulatory bodies prohibit this.

HELP! I forgot my Password!

Don’t Panic! We’ve got things under control. Resetting your [SBRAND] Client Area Password is one of the simplest things to do.

Click here to reach the Forgot My Password link and follow instructions laid out. You’ll be able to set a new password faster than you can say ‘Bob’s Your Uncle’!

I don’t know what I registered for, can you help?

Of course we can! [BRAND] offers trading solutions and access to the financial markets. Providing clients with all the necessary trading tools to become successful traders is one of our core beliefs, but it’s up to them to apply themselves and choose to become that. Learning is part of the process and we encourage everyone to understand and learn about the financial markets prior to making trades. Things don’t end there, as there’s also Risk Management which must be taken into consideration.

Help is here if you need it, simply reach out to our Customer Support Team, or your Account Manager.

Can you explain Trading Hours?

Trading Hours is a term that’s important in the world of trading. Check out our Trading Schedule page for more details.

Is trading on the weekends allowed?

Trading on the weekends is allowed, but only in the case of the Cryptocurrency market, all other markets would be closed. Cryptocurrencies are not centralised and have no regulation, so you can trade ethereum 24 / 7 / 365.

I want to trade, how can I do that?

It’s great that you want to jump in and start trading, however, we wouldn’t be doing a good job if we didn’t ask a few questions. Did you take all risks into consideration? Have you done your homework and are educated on making trade? Did you create a trading plan?

If you have answered yes to all of these questions, then you can simply deposit into your account, select an instrument for any asset class that suits your trading strategy and trade.

However, if there is a no sprinkled in, then you’re better off talking to your Account Manager who’ll help you turn that No into a Yes.

There are some stories about traders who are unhappy with you. How true are they?

To better understand this answer, you need to understand what [BRAND] offers. [BRAND] is a trading brokerage. Our client base is composed of people from all walks of life, we allow them to open an account and start trading. However, before doing any of that, we have a very strict KYC policy that we adhere to at all times.

Once clients have signed up, we offer trading education so that our clients can avoid the pitfalls of trading. We even add risk warnings all over our website, we do all this and still people lose their money.

You might be asking yourself “But Why?”

Truth be told, trading is not for everyone. There are some people out there who believe they are smarter than the market and decide to go “all in” despite us warning them against it. They base their trading on a “gut feeling” rather than the years of experience that our team has.

Of course there are some clients that heed our advice, and still lose money. That’s because the market itself is fickle and can turn against you in a split second. Trading isn’t easy, if it was, everyone would do it.

Trading involves an investment risk, however following the advice of your Account Manager and doing your own research will put you a level above everyone else and give you a fighting chance in the financial markets.

Here’s some important thing to remember, your investment is not fixed in a single direction, it will go and down, so set your expectations.

I’m ready to trade with [SBRAND], what do I do?

We appreciate your enthusiasm, however, trading is full of risk and you need to fully understand that. After you’ve made sure you really know what you’re doing, you can register your trading account. We’ll verify and approve your account, from there you’ll need to make your deposit and you’ll be one step closer to trading!

Your Account Manager will then give you a call and they’ll show you everything there is to know about trading with [SBRAND].

Oh, and before we forget, you’ll need to exercise proper risk management, which is very easy with our trading platform.

Is verifying my [SBRAND] trading account difficult?

Not at all! It’s one of the first things that you must do when you register your account with [BRAND]. This is done in order to verify who you say you are. The process is quite simple and we’ve already sent you an emailing detailing the process.

If you are in need of more information concerning your [SBRAND] trading account verification, you can check out our KYC Process page. You’ll find an explanation about all the items we ask from you on that page.

How will I know if my trading account has been approved?

This is done through an email sent to the email address you provided during your registration phase, so make sure you keep an eye out on it. Our Back Office team will review all the documents that you’ve provided and we’ll get back to you with an approval.

In the case that something is not clear or incorrect, you’ll also receive an email detailing what’s wrong and what you need to fix.

What’s the timeframe for verification?

If everything checks out, and there’s nothing that needs fixing, we’ll be able to review your documents and have an answer within the hour, as long as you submit everything between Monday and Friday.

Is it important to verify my account?

Becoming regulated is one of the things that [BRAND] is aiming to become. With that, there are guidelines that we must follow just like every regulated broker out there. So carrying out a KYC (Know Your Customer) policy and verification process is extremely important. Even if we didn’t plan on getting our regulation, the KYC process is a very important thing at [SBRAND] since it’s very important to know who we are allowing to go through our doors.

I don’t own a passport. What are the chances of me opening an account?

If you don’t have a passport, you shouldn’t worry too much about it as we accept any type of document that says who you are. This includes Passport, Government Issued ID, or a valid Driving Licence. If you don’t own any of these documents, you’ll have to talk to our Customer Support team via Live Chat.

What should I do if my Credit Card is stolen?

Don’t wait! Directly contact your Account Manager and they’ll inform the Back Office Team of the situation and put a stop to your trading account.

How can I update my personal information?

If you need your personal information updated, you’ll have to reach out to us and let us know what needs to be updated, then we’ll handle it for you. If there is a need for any additional information, we’ll let you know.

Does [BRAND] adhere to any regulation?

Traders from most countries are allowed to invest with [SBRAND], however there are certain countries that we’re not allowed to onboard. These countries are:

Crimea Region
North Korea
Syrian Arab Republic

To answer the question, while we’re not regulated by any tier one EU-based regulator, we do adhere to all the latest regulations and circulars that other regulated brokers must work within. That being said, if you check out our Regulation page, you’ll understand that we are on our way to become fully compliant and regulated.

What’s the best way to reach your support team?

There are many ways that you can chart with our Customer Support Team. However, the best way is through the Live Chat button, which you should see at the bottom right corner of your screen. Our team is ready to help you and are available 24/5.

Why’s it important to learn about trading before I trade?

When you are able to understand every aspect of a job, you’ll be able to become that much better at it. The same aspect applies to trading. It would be pretty unwise to simply start investing your hard earned money into something that you don’t completely understand. That’s why [SBRAND] offers Forex Trading to all Prime trading account holders and higher, and we don’t offer it as an incentive to sign up with us, but as a means for your success in the financial markets. So, in order to make sure that you succeed in trading, you’ll need to know the basics as well as the intricacies of trading.

Is your Academy going to be launched soon?

We’re making sure that everything is perfect before we launch our Academy. If you can wait and simply need to learn all about trading, you can reach out to your Account Manager, and they’ll put your name first when we launch our Academy.

How difficult is the [SBRAND] Trading Platform?

It’s super easy! When we first began designing the [SBRAND] web-based trading platform, we had beginner traders in mind, so it’s built from the ground up with that mindset. Not only that, the user experience on this platform is one of the best, everything is two clicks away.

If you need a tutorial on how things work, you can reach out to your Account Manager. They’ve been through the trading platform with a fine tooth comb and they know it inside and out, they’ll definitely show you how to navigate the [SBRAND] Capital Platform.

How can I reach you when there is a major issue happening?

Our Customer Support Team is available to help you 24/5, so reaching them shouldn’t be a problem. However, sometimes things do get out of hand, in that case, you should head over to our Contact Page where you’ll find our helpline. Simply give us a call!

Need Help?


If you have a question that’s not answered above, you can contact a Customer Support Representative by filling the below form. They’ll get back to you within an hour.

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Trading Forex, Cryptos, Stocks as well as any other market is volatile and your investment should be proportionate to your willingness to potentially lose that much money.